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Eco Park Green Technology Hub proposals unveiled

Ecotricity has revealed two concept designs by Zaha Hadid Architects for the Green Technology Hub at Eco Park

Creating a new ‘Gateway to Stroud’, the proposals include a new dual-carriageway on the A419, concept designs for Eco Park’s Green Technology Hub, the new Forest Green Rovers football stadium, and a Zaha Hadid Architects’ designed footbridge linking the two main sides of the development.

Ecotricity has applied to Stroud District Council for outline planning permission for the development, which the company hopes will be granted in the next few months.

Dale Vince, Ecotricity founder, said: “With Eco Park we hope to push the boundaries of sustainable development, create 4,000 jobs in the green economy, a world class football stadium and make more room for nature with a big biodiversity boost. As well as creating a new ‘Gateway to Stroud’.”

Zaha Hadid Architects said: “The Green Technology Hub proposals apply the latest sustainable design technologies with ecologically sound materials and construction methods to create an integrated campus for world-leading research and development. The Eco Park bridge is designed as a single, fluid form by fusing together individual timber elements. This important, unifying gesture builds connections for the community, conveying Eco Park as a facility for all.”

While currently just at the concept stage, a decision on the final design of the Green Technology Hub will be made as part of the full planning application.

Eco Park is a proposed 100 acre sports and green technology centre at Junction 13 on the M5 – with 50 acres dedicated to creating state-of-the-art sporting facilities, including a new stadium for Forest Green Rovers, while the other 50 acres will comprise a green technology business park capable of creating up to 4,000 jobs.

For more details on Eco Park:

About Ecotricity
Ecotricity was founded in 1995 as the world’s first green energy company and now supplies almost 200,000 customers across Britain from a growing fleet of wind and sun parks. Ecotricity is a ‘not-for-dividend’ enterprise that, on average over the last eleven years, has invested more per customer in building new sources of green electricity than any other energy company in Britain.