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Zaha Hadid Architects

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Bergisel Ski Jump

  • Innsbruck, Austria
  • 1999 – 2002
  • Austrian Ski Federation
  • Built
  • Height: 50m
  • Length: 90m

In December 1999 Zaha Hadid Architects won the international competition for a new ski jump on the Bergisel Mountain in Innsbruck. The new structure opened in 2002. Situated on the Bergisel Mountain overlooking downtown Innsbruck, the ski jump has become a landmark for the city.

In December 1999 Zaha Hadid Architects won the international competition for a new ski jump on the Bergisel Mountain in Innsbruck. The new structure opened in 2002. Situated on the Bergisel Mountain overlooking downtown Innsbruck, the ski jump has become a landmark for the city.

The ski jump is part of a larger refurbishment project for the Olympic Arena and replaces the old ski jump which no longer met with international standards. The building is a hybrid of highly specialized sports facilities and public spaces, including a café and a viewing terrace. These different programs are combined into a single new shape, which extends the topography of the slope into the sky.

At a length of 90m and a height of almost 50m, the building is a combination of a tower and a bridge. Structurally it is divided into the vertical concrete tower and a steel space frame structure, which integrates the ramp and the café. Two elevators bring visitors up to the public café and viewing terrace - unique to all ski jumps around the world - creating a new public space for the city surrounded by majestic alpine landscapes.


Zaha Hadid Architects


Zaha Hadid with Patrik Schumacher

Project Architect

Jan Hübener

Design Team

Matthias Frei, Cedric Libert, Sylvia Forlati, Jim Heverin, Garin O’Aivazian, Sara Noel, Costa de Araujo

Competition Team

Ed Gaskin, Eddie Can, Yoash Oster, Stanley Lau, Janne Westermann

Project Manager

Markus Dochantschi

Local Firm

Baumeister Ing. Georg Malojer (Innsbruck, Austria)


Jane Wernick (London, UK)
Christian Aste (Innsbruck, Austria)

MEP / Services

Technisches Büro Ing. Heinz Purcher (Schlaming, Austria)
Technisches Büro Matthias Schrempf (Schlaming, Austria)
Peter Fiby (Innsbruck, Austria)


Office for Visual Interaction (New York, USA)

Ski Jump Technology

Bauplanungsbüro Franz Fuschlslueger (Trofaiach, Austria)