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Vishu Bhooshan Senior Associate BArch, M.Arch, COA

Profile                                                                                              Vishu is a Lead Designer at Zaha Hadid Architects, Computation and Design Research group (ZHA CODE) in London. He leads the design research with computational geometries with specific interest on structure and fabrication aware tectonics which incorporate digital form-finding, topology optimisation, statistical learning etc. He also leads the development of a software agnostic computational framework to explore the above. Since joining Zaha Hadid Architects in 2013, he has been involved in several design competitions and commissions ranging from research prototypes, products, galleries, stadiums, metro stations, residential buildings and masterplans.

Education & Prior Experience                                                       Vishu completed his bachelor degree from Pune University, India in 2010 and his Master’s degree at the Architectural Association Design Research Lab, London, UK in 2013. He previously worked as an architect in India at B.S Bhooshan & Associates, Mysore & Mind Space Architects, Bangalore.

Teaching                                                                                                Vishu teaches at both Architectural Computation & Architectural Design, Bartlett post-graduate programs (BPro) at University College of London (UCL). He has taught and presented at several international workshops and professional CAD conferences such as Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG), ACADIA, CAADRIA, Design Modelling symposium and at several institutes in the UK, USA, India, China and Brazil.

Vishu Bhooshan Vishu Bhooshan