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Zorrozaurre Masterplan

  • Bilbao, Spain
  • 2003 – TBC
  • Management Committee for the urban development of the peninsula of Zorrozaurre, Bilbao
  • Planning

Refurbishment and construction of housing, new industries, tertiary uses, urban and recreational spaces and new connections inking the peninsula, city and surrounding areas.

Zaha Hadid has completed the conceptual masterplan for Zorrozaurre in Bilbao, a 60 hectare area cradled in a long curve of the Nervion River just across from the city’s centre. This former port and industrial area will become home to nearly 15,000 new residents and will provide workshops, labs, studios, and offices for nearly 6,000 working people.

Zorrozaurre has been nearly separated from its neighbouring communities by a canal opened to enlarge the port during its heyday, and this canal is destined to be extended for flood-control purposes in future years. This will make Zorrozaurre an island occupying a strategically key position in the future expansion of the city and integration of the region. Zaha Hadid Architects have responded to this challenge by defining a dramatic urban fabric and bold approach to infrastructure and the waterfront that will highlight the great significance of its natural and strategic position.


Zaha Hadid Architects


Zaha Hadid with Patrik Schumacher

Project Architect

Manuela Gatto

Project Team

Fabian Hecker, Juan I. Aranguren, Daniel Baerlecken, Yael Brosilovski, Helen Floate, Marc Fornes, James Gayed, Steve Hatzellis, Alvin Huang, Yang Jingwen, Gunther Koppelhubuer, Graham Modlen, Brigitta Lenz, Susanne Lettau, Fernando Perez, Judith Reitz, Marta Rodriguez, Jonathan Smith, Marcela Spadaro, Kim Thornton, Zhi Wang

Local Firm

Arkitektura Eta Hirigintza Bulegoa S.A.


Ove Arup and Partners

Landscape Architect

Gross Ma