The buildings can accommodate up to 230 luxury apartments, with common facilities.
The skyline of the residential complex is defined and characterized by a sinuous fluid line. The roof outline raises continuously from building to building, starting from 5-storey C2 building facing Piazza Giulio Cesare it reaches its maximum height at building C6 13th floor, thus ideally setting a unified and unique skyline.
Great care has been given to site and buildings orientation, taking into account environmental and comfort requirements
so that most apartments face south-east and at the same time allocate the best views from the terraces, towards the city or the public park.
The façades design involves continuity and fluidity: the volumetric envelope of the buildings is defined by a curvilinear
movement of balconies and terraces, opening up into a rich variety of private spaces, both interior and exterior, echoing the landscape below.
The façade materials – fiber concrete panels and natural wood panels emphasize this complex volumetric movement and at the same time give a private and “domestic” quality to the interior of the residential courtyard.